Just in front of our apartment there has been a lot of activity with the laying of underground large PVC pipes which will eventually be used for all the wires and cables and such. With all of the digging done, an access hole was made and now these men are hauling in cement blocks to cover these access holes for times of need. It's amazing how much "manpower" is used rather than heavy equipment. Notice the safety boots which are thin green sneakers.
And this is the Monkey King Restaurant, one of our favourite places to eat somewhat western food. For the past two weeks it has been undergoing renovations. Believe it or not, meals are still served using the second floor dining area while construction is still taking place.
This is just some of the highlights of life on our block in front of Sunshine Gardens/
Hard to believe they would do this without safety equipment,, You could never get away with that here,,, Anyway, I like the blogs your sending, Pat and I often talk about it. Great to get the updates..
WPHS would close these sites down in Australia. Here... if you want to earn money, just keep working. The laws are there - but no-one regulates them.
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