Sunday, November 21, 2010

Care Packages From Home

While walking, we passed these students outside of He Hai University who are busy sorting through packages looking for theirs. A similar scene is often played out in front of our university gates several times a week. There is no way to have the driver enter the campus and deliver these packages for the students, so it is all about being contacted by mobile phones and rushing out to collect the parcel, either from home or from shopping on-line.

Parcels can't be delivered as the students share a dorm with five or seven other students making it next to impossible to ensure that a parcel actually gets delivered. This process makes sure that the owner actually collects the parcel.

Maureen and I get our mail delivered to an office in the Foreign Affairs section.

In front of our campus gates, there is an old couple who come just before noon hour (11:30 to 1:30) in order to offer convenience to the students who want good food for lunch. As in almost every university in the world, cafeteria food is despised and the students want breaks from the cafeteria food. Besides, who wouldn't appreciate some custom made food almost on your doorstep?

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