As it is still windy and quite cool for the area, local fishermen are having to wear more clothing when out in the morning to check their nets. These two guys were just in front of our villa not too far out from shore. The water at that point is about four or five feet deep at the most.
As long as we stay out of the wind, it is warm. Yesterday I did go for my first lesson at the beginner level. It didn't take too long for the instructor to realise that I was out of place and that I knew more than the others in that class. I will go back for a second class with that group on Friday before the instructor comes up with a plan for private lessons which will maximize my language contact time. One hour alone is equivalent to about five hours or more in group lessons. I am looking forward to the one on one lessons as the instructor is a real teacher who likes what he is doing.
Still to smart for your own good.
Not smart enough it seems as I still have to go to school when I am almost 60 years old.
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