Sunday, February 8, 2009

More about learning Spanish

I took this photo yesterday late afternoon in order to catch the sun's rays on the leaves and on the cement of our back wall. As you can tell by looking at the palm tree, it was still windy. This morning, there is almost no wind. and there isn't a cloud in the sky. Here's hoping that it stays calm all morning.
Well, our other neighbours, Brian and Tracy, gave us their Pimsleur series to use. Within minutes of putting them on our computers we were both practising Spanish. I have to say that I am super impressed at how seriously Mom is working on learning.
In case you haven't heard, the Senators won last night. It is kind of nice to see the team playing a bit better. While they were busy winning, we went out for supper with Kathy, Brian, Tracy and two others - a Saturday night out. Today, I think we will have a quiet relaxing day in the sunshine. Of course, we will study some more Spanish as part of our day.

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