An angel sits on top of the tree as it always has in our home for Chrtismas. Traditions are important as they give a sense of comfort and ease. The tree may be small, but it does hold the creative efforts of all of our children and grandchildren. In a way, it is holds years and years of memories in which we have worked together to create each ornament, each decoration. Like most families, we have created our version of Christmas.
Well, it's Sunday and the boys are still sleeping after staying up a bit later than usual as we played games. Collin has gone out in the early morning for another hunt as the recent snow will make tracking a deer that much easier. Mom and Noelle are chatting away while in the background, Christmas music is playing. Soon, the boys will be up and the energy levels will be ramped up as we get ready to head to the hockey arena for Devon's game.
Sounds like you guys are having fun. The tree looks great and I am sure there will be more stuff to add to it soon.
That's good and as it should be. That is what traditions are all about. I am a bit under the weather with a cold or flu at the moment. Went to bed early yesterday at Noelle's and I have been staying under blankets to keep warm all day today now that we are back at home.
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