It is still snowing, a gentle soft snow. This morning was busy enough with my doing some sanding on a stool for Mom. She is taking the stool to one of her friends who will be doing some painting on it while we are away in Mexico. While I was sanding, Mom was out shovelling snow in the driveway, not that it was all that deep, but simply because it was something to do outside. She loves winter when it is like this, a rare kind of weather in Saskatchewan. I cleaned out a number of books from the computer room and have set aside a number of small boxes for trips into the city where we will trade them in on new reading material, at least new to us.
Now that the first of the morning chores are done, I am back in the computer room ready to do more work on my Spanish as well as on photos. Ottawa plays tonight so I will take time out to listen to the game on Internet radio. Likely Mom and I will go to the arena after that in time to watch the town Midget team play a game. It's a good way to spend the day while waiting for family at Christmas.
Tell Mom if she likes shoveling snow that much, we are suppose to be getting a ton more this weekend so she is welcome to come and shovel here so I don't have to.
I think she will pass on this fun activity. Now, it seems we need to buy lighter new snow shovels.
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