Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Stripped Bare

Well, it is done! In the photo, you can see the base of the shower in the location it will be when the barthroom is redone. Everything is taken down and taken out with a comprehensive clean up done as well. I even vacuumed. Why? I know that Wayne will only make a huge mess taking out concrete for the drainage systems for the new sink and the new shower, but it makes me feel good to know that for now, it is as clean as it can possibly be.

Well, as all know now, Ottawa won last night. I guess that this means some jobs are saved for the moment. My guess is that Gerber will get the next start now that he is playing better than Auld. I still think they need to get rid of the GM and one or two players such as Vermette and Fisher so that there is salary space for a good defenceman.

What about tonight? Well, it will be a supper at our home for some friends followed by a few games. Who is coming? I guess we will find out when the time comes as some would need to travel and the weather is not great with strong winds and high wind chill values. So what's new - winter in Saskatchewan.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Quiet and Cold

Another day in the basement and it looks even more empty at this point. I will be ready for Wayne to do his part by noon tomorrow. Besides working on the basement, mom and I also spent time organizing our stuff for packing. I think we have reduced enough now.

We went out for supper to Wayne and Denise's followed by a few rounds of Tee Wars. Then, it was back home to watch Ottawa play Edmonton on SNET-W. So far, it is a 1-1 game with Gerber in the net for Ottawa. Here's hoping. ... Yay! Ottawa won 3-2 with Talan in net. Woohoo!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Making Changes

It is cooler out today making it a good day to work on gutting the downstairs bathroom in order to get it ready for Wayne to do his work of cutting out the cement so that I can put in a shower and a new sink. Today Wayne put in two new shutoff valves so that I could take out the old sink. I now have all the walls and ceiling down in the old bathroom as well as most of the stuff done in the area which will be part of the new bathroom.

Last night we went out to watch the town senior hockey team win a rare game. We decided that the Canadian Juniors were too boring to watch playing Kazakstan. Tonight, we ended up going out for supper at Bernie's with Don and Darlene. And now, we are home watching the Canadian Juniors play Germany, a good game to watch with the score a lot closer.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Post Christmas Stuff

And now, the clean up has begun ... Yes, we are alone in our house once again. First thing on the agenda was to take down the tree and get ready for the New Year. All that is left is the outside decorations to take care of before we are done with that task. Not long into this, we decided to go out for our long country walk, something we have not done since Christmas. Given the choice, playing with grandchildren wins hands down, no contest.

As you can see, we watched hockey last night, a game taped from a week or so ago when Ottawa played Tampa Bay and won. Needless to say, there was a lot of cheering as Gerber (Talan) won with a shutout. Talan had his Gerber sippy cup busy in order to help Ottawa win. The game against Calgary was on too late for the boys, a good thing as the Sens lost quite badly with Auld (Griffin) in net. Oh well, perhaps Ottawa will win the Tavares Cup in June. There's another game tonight when the Sens travel to Vancouver.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

It's Christmas morning and the first Christmas presents have been opened. Wheat with poppy seed and honey, a Ukranian tradition, was breakfast for the adults while the young ones enjoyed their usual breakfast. Now, the turkey has just been cleaned and is being prepared for roasting. In a few hours, another one of our children will be coming with her family to enjoy a family Christmas. Only our youngest is unable to come as he is stuck at work for a portion of the day. This post is for you, Dustin and Robyn. Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Street Lights

We are back home from visiting Dustin and Robyn and their dogs. It was a good visit as we got to teach them Tee Wars. Like our visits to Tasha's and Noelle's, the game saw a lot of action. Hat's off to Uncle Bill for teaching us this new game. Even Craig and Christie had a good go at the game. Sad to say, but in all instances, the women dominated the winning circles.

Here in Elrose, it is still in the -30 territory even though it is mid afternoon. This morning it was -37C on our deck. Cold and clear. That is basically our weather forecast for the next few days.

Well, some great news. Mom is going to make me tourtiere for Christmas Eve! Yep, another tradition lives on. I imagine there might be a slice or two left for anyone who might be interested. Okay, so there will be a second tourtiere that I am supposed to save for company.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas at Dustin's

It's Sunday morning in Alberta. The drive to Dustin's was basically a pleasant ride through sunshine with good road conditions even though the warmest it got outside was -28C. We arrived around 1:00pm Alberta time. The afternoon was spent in pleasant conversation just catching up with both Robyn and Dustin.

Later in the afternoon, friends of Dustin and Robyn came over to be part of our supper and evening games. They brought their little baby boy who seemed to enjoy the whole evening. It didn't seem too long before it was late and bed time. A side note, Ottawa won its game against Dallas with Gerber in net.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Front Window

It is still snowing, a gentle soft snow. This morning was busy enough with my doing some sanding on a stool for Mom. She is taking the stool to one of her friends who will be doing some painting on it while we are away in Mexico. While I was sanding, Mom was out shovelling snow in the driveway, not that it was all that deep, but simply because it was something to do outside. She loves winter when it is like this, a rare kind of weather in Saskatchewan. I cleaned out a number of books from the computer room and have set aside a number of small boxes for trips into the city where we will trade them in on new reading material, at least new to us.

Now that the first of the morning chores are done, I am back in the computer room ready to do more work on my Spanish as well as on photos. Ottawa plays tonight so I will take time out to listen to the game on Internet radio. Likely Mom and I will go to the arena after that in time to watch the town Midget team play a game. It's a good way to spend the day while waiting for family at Christmas.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Trio

It's late afternoon in Elrose and we are just back home from a walk into the countryside and around town. Most of the afternoon we played bridge with the seniors, the last time until sometime late next spring or next fall. It has warmed up as Mom says. It is now only -25C with only a small breeze while a very light snow is falling. The falling snow makes it seem warmer than -25, go figure.

What else did we do? Not much and it doesn't appear as we will do anything else worth mentioning. The next Senators hockey game is tomorrow and Griffin is starting in net against Sheldon Brookbank's team, the New Jersey Devils. It would be a great surprise if the Sens even come close as the Devils are a strong team.
In one more day, we are off to Dustin and Robyn's for a few days before Tasha and family make it to our place. The good days are getting closer and closer.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Frosty

Happy Birthday, Cameron!

Okay, that was worth a line all by itself. Today it is cloudy and cold. Thought the temperature is supposed to get to -18 this afternoon, the lack of sunshine means it feels colder, especially in the house. Ottawa lost last night and it doesn't look good. Expect some changes to the team in the New Year. I don't know if it will mean a trade or two of "big name" players, or the sacking of a GM and/or coach. I would bet on a trade happening, either Heatley or Spezza is my guess.

On the home front, it is more of the same. Mom is baking buns and keeping busy with her projects and I am back at scanning negatives. I am also fitting in some time for learning Spanish vocabulary. There is no time for being bored around our house.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Santa

It's a beautiful sunny day in Elrose with the temperature a bit warmer, now in the -20C range. I got out for a walk with Mom yesterday afternoon. Of course I was bundled up with a scarf around my mouth and nose so that I wouldn't cough myself to death. Aside from the biting wind when we walked west and north, the walk around town was refreshing.

Today, it is just another day with me again working on scanning black and white negatives. One section of the work involves those photos I took in 1978 and 79 which were more about art that substance. I was busy taking photography classes, both from the Education College and the College of Fine Arts. Needless to say, I am tossing out most of the photos as there are often ten shots of the same thing using different lenses or exposure settings, part of the learning process. Still, I am going to have a lot of black and white digital photos to add to our family archives.

Tonight the Ottawa Senators are again playing and Talan is again in net because of his stellar performance on Saturday night when he earned a shutout. Oops, I was supposed to say Gerber. Here's hoping that he wins another game tonight.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Welcome

Another cold day in Paradise. Verrrry colllldddd! I am still working on scanning black and white negatives. It seems that I was "click happy" for more than thirty years. Most of the photos are from 1975 to 1980. From that point on, it seems that I switched to colour prints except for a trip to France in 1988.

It is hard to believe that in less than a week we are busy with family for Christmas beginning with a trip to Dustin's on Saturday. In all seriousness, I can hardly wait until the real Christmas season begins.

We had Wayne and Denise over for supper last night followed by several games of Tee Wars which saw Wayne and Mom emerge as champions. Today, it is bread baking day as we want all to be ready for when Tasha and her crew, as well as Noelle and her crew, come for Christmas here in Elrose.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Craft

Cold! Very cold! It's -32C as I write and the forecast high for today ... -32C. Wind chill takes this into the -40 and worse territory for the next three or four days. It's a good day to stay indoors. Not that I have been going outside for the past week with this flu/cold combination.

Ottawa finally won a game last night because of Gerber. Yes, he got a shut out! I've taped the show for Talan, Griffin and Cameron to watch. If possible, I will tape a second game with Auld playing so that Griffin gets equal time in the spotlight.

So, what else is new? Well, I have been busy scanning old black and white negatives. Some of them are actually not bad at all. It will be interesting to see how it all sorts itself out and the stories that will grow out of the photos.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Hockey

Well, I am still a Senators fan even though they are struggling as a team. They lost again last night in a game that no one seemed to play well. They play again tonight against the Tampa Bay Lightning in Ottawa. The game is on televison, so I will be taping it so that I can watch the game with the grandkids when they come. It will be quality time spent together, that's for sure.

It's cold outside! It's almost noon and the temperature has risen to -25 C. And, it is supposed to get colder and very windy. Yes, we have windchill warnings out for the next few days. I'm glad that we are sitting still for the next week.

This morning I packed up a bunch of books to be sold to secondhand book stores. The computer room is now less crowded as I took out the homemade shelving under the windows and moved Mom's sewing machine back there in its place. This afternoon I will return to scanning black and white negatives, a process I started yesterday. I am impressed on how well they are scanning. Again, the negatives are from pictures of the 1970s, many of which I had never printed. Of course, I have a lot that never will be printed. Once they are all scanned, I will then have to cull them as it is all too much. When that is done, then the real work can begin, the work of putting them together in a way that makes them more valuable to you and the grandkids. Well, time to get back to work.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Presents

Friday morning, another wintery day and it is getting colder almost by the minute. In the next few days we are going to get even colder with lows in the -30s and highs around -27 C. This is what is normal for a prairie winter - brutal cold spells alternating with very mild spells. Nothing just plain and simple or predictable.

As you can see, the presents are under the tree for our grandchildren. What about the older folk? Our children and their partners? Well, that must remain a mystery. Let's just say that it's been busy in the kitchen.

My cold/flu is getting better, but the cough and the sweats are still hanging in there. I have more energy now so that is good. However, whatever is bothering the Senators isn't better yet as they have been showing less energy than me. Tonight they play again. Let's hope they are getting better as well.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Cards

Well, we got our first and only Christmas card so I thought that I would share it with you guys. Of course, a great letter came with the card. I can remember how we would always create an annual Christmas letter to let our respective families know how life had been experienced by us. In these "modern" times, everyone already seems to know everything because of Facebook. I mean, we even know what they are thinking! And of course, they post pictures, even the bad ones, to let us know what and who and how for each major and minor event. I'm not complaining, in fact, I am as guilty as all the rest, maybe more so. Tasha, thanks for sending the card. It was one of my favourite family photos.
Today has been a better day for me with a lot less hacking. Temperature is down and I managed to be of some help with a few chores. I even finished scanning our slides, even those from the first France trip in 1988. Now, I have started on scanning the colour negatives. So far, not too many done, but they seem to be better in quality than some of the slides were, less whiteout (less exposed I imagine - or else time hasn't hurt the negatives as much as it has hurt the slides).
Mom has been out this afternoon playing bridge with the seniors while I stayed at home where I wouldn't give my flu to the old fogies. Oh, I guess I am officially one of the old fogies too. Ottawa lost last night, but not because of goal tending. Gerber played and outstanding game only allowing one goal while the rest of the Senators stood back and watched to see how well he would perform. Maybe next game the Sens will find the will to play a decent hockey game.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Snow II

Yes, there is some real snow now in Elrose. It begins to be more and more certain that this will be a White Christmas after all.

I am glad to say that I am feeling better today, a bit better is good. I actually did something besides occasionally surfing the 'Net today. A few Christmas presents got wrapped and are now under the tree (this will make it into a future blog photo).

We got our first Christmas card of the year! Thanks Tasha and family for the great card. Ottawa plays again this evening with Gerber in the net - make sure that Talan knows that I am cheering for him - Gerber - to lead his Ottawa Senators to victory.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Preparations

In this photo, Mom is cutting up the dough for potato perogies. Once we had these perogies in the deep freeze, we used the leftover dough for cabbage perogies. Needless to say we have already done a taste test to ensure that everything is as it should be for our children and grandchildern. It's called quality control.

I am busy folding the bun dough around potatoes for perishke. I realise that most of our children don't really care for these things, but it is tradition after all. And, as usual, there has been a quality control experiment which took place last night. They are now ready for family at Christmas.

On a different front, Ottawa Senators managed to find a way to loose last night against a team that lives near the bottom of the league and has at least a half-dozen key players injured. If I wasn't already feeling a bit under the weather, it would have made me sick.

It is snowing today in Elrose and the world looks white. It looks like we will have a white Christmas after all.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas Hanging Cinnamon

I'd have to say that many of the things we've collected over the years are not up this year as we were hesitant about which ones to put up and which one's to store. I imagine that this problem will only get worse as time goes by, either that or we say put them all up even if it meands building another wall or two.

I am slightly under the weather with either a flu or cold making life less pleasant for Mom. I have spent most of the day trying to stay warm under a quilt in my chair in the living room. For the most part, I didn't even bother turning on the computer for most of the day. Not enough interest or energy. At least there is a Senator's hockey game to listen to this evening.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Tree

An angel sits on top of the tree as it always has in our home for Chrtismas. Traditions are important as they give a sense of comfort and ease. The tree may be small, but it does hold the creative efforts of all of our children and grandchildren. In a way, it is holds years and years of memories in which we have worked together to create each ornament, each decoration. Like most families, we have created our version of Christmas.

Well, it's Sunday and the boys are still sleeping after staying up a bit later than usual as we played games. Collin has gone out in the early morning for another hunt as the recent snow will make tracking a deer that much easier. Mom and Noelle are chatting away while in the background, Christmas music is playing. Soon, the boys will be up and the energy levels will be ramped up as we get ready to head to the hockey arena for Devon's game.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas Hearth

We are just back from watching Hunter play hockey. His team won convincingly due to a solid defence. While he was playing, Ottawa was able to defeat the Pens. It has been a good day for hockey. It is snowing in Provost and looking very much like Christmas.

Our time here has been spent so far playing a lot of the Tee Wars game. So far we haven't been able to declare anyone champion as the games are always split. We still have quite a few games left to play. Tomorrow, we get to watch Devon play defence on his team.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas Snow

Well, it isn't much, but we do have snow! Will it stay? I don't think so as it is already +2 C outside. More snow is in the forecast for Sunday along with a temperature of 0 C. I do think we will have snow on the ground for Christmas as there is still some snow in the long term forecast along with much cooler weather.

Yesterday's bridge with the seniors went well as usual. Afterwards I helped them set up tables and chairs for their annual Christmas pot luck dinner. Not long after we were home, we got invited out for supper, a good thing as nothing had been planned. We got home a decent hour and got busy with the making of perishke (baked potato filled buns) before relaxing knowing that we had a productive day. No moss growing on us!

In a few hours we are off to Provost for a weekend of minor hockey and visiting. Hopefully the roads will be in good shape for travelling in both directions.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas on the Fridge

Our grandchildren are responsible for making sure our refrigerator is always suitably covered with their art. And for the Christmas season, their crafts find a place of honour on the fridge.

It's a cold and windy day that is rather gloomy as far as weather is concerned. More work in the basement now that I have the base for the shower. It is time to plan where the new wall will be positioned so that the shower drain can be properly prepared. With this well underway, we spent the afternoon at the senior centre playing bridge with then others. This evening we are out for supper at neighbour Darlene's. It has been a day well spent.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Snowmen

I'm up a bit earlier this morning and decided that I need to write this so that I can post today's Christmas picture before we head of to Saskatoon. Today I pick out and pick up the new sink and shower for the downstairs bathroom. Likely we will also do a little bit of shopping for paperback books to take with us as reading material to Mexico which is now less than five weeks away.

Last night we had perogies for supper. Mmmmmm, good! We only ate the gibbled ones, ones that weren't in the right shape, those which we didn't want to place in front of special company such as our children. Regardless of the shape, they were soooo good. I'm sure that we will save some for you.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas Basket

Another Christmas scene from our house which sticks to the heart being at home for Christmas. It amazes me to realise that almost everything we have has been made by one of you at some point as a reminder of all the Christmas seasons we have spent together as a family.

It's December and it appears to be a warm one so far. The coldest daytime high for the next week looks as though it will be -6 C. Not bad. As for snow, it isn't too promising so far. A few little snow showers are in the forecast for the weekend. Hopefully there will be snow for Christmas so that we can play some good old-fashioned road hockey in front of the house.

Today, Mom and I are into perogy making. I am an important part of the process as every one that I make is one less for Mom to make. Great news from Cameron as he has his first point of the hockey season - woohoo! And this morning, Talan sang the alphabet song for me over Skype. A good morning so far.

Wayne was over checking out the progress in the basement and helping me plan on what can be done by him while we are in Mexico. There is no doubt that we are making this house a better home. I can hardly wait to see the finished product sometime in April when I finish the walls in our new bathroom.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas Hearts

There is no doubt that we are looking forward to "hearts come home for Christmas" as the photo says. Mom cooked up some potatoes for another Christmas baking project this morning while I was busy taking down an inner wall in order to get ready for a basement bathroom upgrade. We will be taking four feet of space from the unused room at the bottom of the stairs for the bathroom enlargement in order to install a shower as well as replace the airplane sink with one that is normal sized.

On a differnt topic, our trip to the city yesterday with Annabelle and Derek turned out to be time well spent. The play was incredible. It was a realistic look at rural Saskatchewan in modern times with a sense of humour. Dinner out afterwards was a great way to finish out the event. We haven't laughes so much in a long time, especially so much that all of us had laughter tears in our eyes.

Sadly, Canadian politics is again in the news in a very negative way. Our Prime Minister is taking a page out of former US President Richard Nixon with illegal recording of telephone conversations. Read the Globe and Mail article (here) to get the story. Needless to say, the opposition parties are all ready to replace the Conservative minority government if and when the Governor-General approves. Constitutionaly speaking, it is legal and ethical here in Canada. As well, it is a normal state of governing for a number of countries around the world including Israel. You can read another Globe and Mail story (here) to see just how this coalition government is being put together.

Well, so much for that. It's time to listen and see how this will all play out.