Well, we got our first and only Christmas card so I thought that I would share it with you guys. Of course, a great letter came with the card. I can remember how we would always create an annual Christmas letter to let our respective families know how life had been experienced by us. In these "modern" times, everyone already seems to know everything because of Facebook. I mean, we even know what they are thinking! And of course, they post pictures, even the bad ones, to let us know what and who and how for each major and minor event. I'm not complaining, in fact, I am as guilty as all the rest, maybe more so. Tasha, thanks for sending the card. It was one of my favourite family photos.
Today has been a better day for me with a lot less hacking. Temperature is down and I managed to be of some help with a few chores. I even finished scanning our slides, even those from the first France trip in 1988. Now, I have started on scanning the colour negatives. So far, not too many done, but they seem to be better in quality than some of the slides were, less whiteout (less exposed I imagine - or else time hasn't hurt the negatives as much as it has hurt the slides).
Mom has been out this afternoon playing bridge with the seniors while I stayed at home where I wouldn't give my flu to the old fogies. Oh, I guess I am officially one of the old fogies too. Ottawa lost last night, but not because of goal tending. Gerber played and outstanding game only allowing one goal while the rest of the Senators stood back and watched to see how well he would perform. Maybe next game the Sens will find the will to play a decent hockey game.