Mom is getting her haircut today (photo tomorrow - maybe) in Rosetown. She tells me it is going to be short - very short. Oh well, whatever makes her happy is fine by me. Today's photo was from last week when I joined the boys in trying to burn with magnifying glasses. No fires were started and we didn't have to call the fire department. It was a good way to occupy time while the boys had a few down moments when activity wasn't scheduled.
Today I go golfing with the men in hopes of winning a bit of money. Well, not really, but it would be nice. I am going with my regular crew for the most part. The basement is coming along well. When we go to the city on Friday, I will be buying the flooring, lighting and other things to help finish it off. I ordered the drywall and last bits of wood needed to finish building walls. With any luck, the bathroom will be done by mid-May. More news later ...
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