Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama becomes the 44th President

Today is a big day in the USA and surprisingly, all around the world as Obama takes over as the new president of the USA. A lot of hope is being invested in him, even in Canada. I imagine a lot of people will be glued to their televisions watching the inaugeration ceremonies. However, since we have peasant vision and only in Spanish, we will skip watching TV and likely go play some bridge in Progreso this afternoon.
It's sunny with a few scattered clouds with a strong northwest breeze. We both are still needing to use sunscreen because of the intensity of the sun's rays. Yesterday I did without and I got a bit pink on my face as a result. So, today I will put on some sunscreen and wear a cap. Ottawa plays tonight with young Brian Elliott playing in net. Talan, I think you are now Elliott instead of Gerber. Elliott is a better goalie.

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